Faith Education
Church Nursery
Drop your 1 - 4 year old children off at the Youth Room in Mikesch Hall before the 9:30 AM Mass on Sundays.
The Rite of Christian Initiation presented here is designed for adults who after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God. Adults who are interested in becoming Catholic or who would like to come back to the church are welcome. Learn more here.
CONTACT: Parish Office
RCIA for Children
This form of the Rite of Christian Initiation is intended for children, no Baptized as infants, or who were Baptized but have not received Reconciliation or Eucharist. These children are old enough to make the commitment to convert their lives to Christ.
CONTACT: Parish Office
Talk Series & Bible Studies
Talk Series and Bible Studies are conducted throughout the year and will be announced in the Bulletin and Flocknote. All are welcome to attend.
CONTACT: Parish Office
Drop your 1 - 4 year old children off at the Youth Room in Mikesch Hall before the 9:30 AM Mass on Sundays.
The Rite of Christian Initiation presented here is designed for adults who after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God. Adults who are interested in becoming Catholic or who would like to come back to the church are welcome. Learn more here.
CONTACT: Parish Office
RCIA for Children
This form of the Rite of Christian Initiation is intended for children, no Baptized as infants, or who were Baptized but have not received Reconciliation or Eucharist. These children are old enough to make the commitment to convert their lives to Christ.
CONTACT: Parish Office
Talk Series & Bible Studies
Talk Series and Bible Studies are conducted throughout the year and will be announced in the Bulletin and Flocknote. All are welcome to attend.
CONTACT: Parish Office